Channelling your inner market leader

Retail chains are increasingly investing in modern sales models. Working in several areas gives them the chance to strengthen the impact of the brand and improve their financial results. IT departments are being expanded – along with the awareness that omnichannel sales are the key to success
Omnichannel sales represent a consistent, integrated approach to managing all of your sales and information channels (a definition provided by PwC). By using the opportunities thus provided, retail chains can enter into a dialogue with their customers, form a coherent picture of the company, widen the area of its impact and change consumer habits. Omnichannel in this sense also applies to the various types of communication channels, such as social media, mailing, mobile devices and call centre contacts. For the purposes of this article, I will discuss only part of this broad topic, focusing on those aspects related to the activities of retail chains as tenants of shopping centres. Systems govern sales Omnichannel retail involves interactions between the operations of traditional stores and online sales, so that the customer can use both methods freely, without even sensing the difference between them, and combining them – for instance by picking up orders placed online in brick
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