What fits the bill?

Facility Management
What’s hidden behind those rather opaque terms ‘operating costs’ and ‘administration costs’ that appear on the invoices issued to shopping centre tenants? According to auditors, landlords can often pass expenses not entirely consistent with the lease agreements, legal requirements or even with common sense on to their tenants
The idea is apparently simple – any possible misunderstandings over the fees that should be paid can be avoided when lease contracts are being negotiated, with the terms and conditions precisely specifying the costs that can charged to the tenant. Well, that’s the theory. In practice, however, things are completely different. Scale of the problem According to auditing companies, most operating cost agreements in leasing contracts are unfairly disproportionate. “I’m not even talking about a range of 50–60 pct but a much higher scale than that,” says Wojciech Rogala, the CEO of Victoria Management & Development. “It’s not unusual for such errors to amount to several hundred percent to the disadvantage of the tenant, and cases of refunds amounting to tens of thousands of złoty per settlement are very common. Our record single refund, which has already been paid back to our client's account, was more than PLN 120,000.” “I
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