The keys to your heart

The warehouse and light production sector want to keep growing, and in order to do so they need manpower. They are trying to show that they care about their employees by offering them not only higher wages but also subsidies for meals, medical care and a better working environment. The issue is being addressed by developers who are building more people-friendly facilities. This was among the conclusions reached at the recent meeting initiated by Segro
The business brunch entitled ‘Jobs are Waiting for You’ was held by Eurobuild Conferences on behalf of warehouse and logistics developer Segro in Warsaw on March 1st. It started with a presentation of the ‘Warehouse and Light Production – Challenges and Trends in Employment’ report drawn up jointly by representatives of Segro (16 warehouse parks in eight locations in Poland) and labour market experts Randstad Polska. Agnieszka Sabat, Segro’s marketing and communications manager, set out her “seven steps to an employees’ heart”, which was an accurate summary of the publication. It’s worth remembering that remuneration plays a key role and even small changes can have a significant impact on employees’ household budgets – and can even prompt them to look for a new employer. “In my opinion, competitive salaries are extremely important. It is also crucial to analyse the business environment. Salary reports have
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