A spring in our steps

Suddenly this morning, she knocked upon my door Warmer days, you came to me, sooner than I’d thoughtHer wet coat off, I sat her oppositeI smelled that scent and everything was lit!Oh! Spring it’s you!
Our Polish readers may have guessed by now that I am quoting the lyrics of the inimitable Marek Grechuta, which came me to as I succumbed to the charms of the blooming lilacs and the smell of bird cherry blossom on my regular jog along the Vistula. In this month’s issue, however, it is revealed that construction workers don’t even need to wait for spring anymore, as they are able to work all-year-round, thanks in no small part to the modern technology now available to them (which we cover in ‘Winter is Coming... Not!’). My thoughts turned towards lighter topics as I crossed the river over Świętokrzyski Bridge and onto the boulevards that Skanska has just begun renovating. Now that the world is back in bloom, it’s not just the bees that are busy, but building firms too. This month, a representative of the Swedish contractor tells us all about the about the latest gadgets and systems designed to make construction work safer and easier. As I jogged further
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