Jumping onto Jatomi’s treadmill

Retail & leisure
POLAND At the beginning of 2018 Pure Health & Fitness, the owner of the Jatomi Fitness chain, announced the closure of its operations in Poland. It had clubs in 37 shopping centres across the country at the time. As Trevor Brennan, the CEO of Jatomi Fitness said, the chain was discussing the transferral of its lease agreements to other fitness operators with shopping centre owners. And these negotiation have been largely successful with others taking over Jatomi’s previous locations and with this frequently resulting in the expansion of these clubs’ own brands.
Zdrofit benefits Zdrofit will strengthen the leisure and entertainment services of three centres including Atrium Promenada in Warsaw, the Atrium centre in Koszalin and Atrium Mosty in Płock. All the Zdrofit clubs in Atrium centres are to open in May. “In order to meet our clients’ expectations, we have ensured that they will be able to use fitness clubs in our centres. We are well aware that these days access to sports and recreation facilities is important and we make every assurance that Zdrofit fitness clubs will soon be opening their doors to our shared customers,” says Marta Hamarowicz, the director of the leasing department at Atrium Poland Real Estate Management. Zdrofit is also opening another two clubs in former Jatomi locations with a combined area of 3,700 sqm in centres from EPP’s portfolio. The chain will lease 1,700 sqm in Wzorcownia Włocławek and 1,900 sqm in Galeria Echo in Kielce. At the beginning of the year Zdrofit took over Jatomi’
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