Doing the job Well...

Green projects
How and why did you come to found the International Well Building Institute?
Paul Scialla, founder, the International Well Building Institute: With the success of the various green building councils worldwide, it was clear to us that similar infrastructure needed to be put in place to scale up the Well building movement and support the health and wellness of the people who live, work, and learn in our buildings and communities. Don’t more established certification schemes such as BREEAM and LEED cover the well-being of building users? The green building concept primarily focuses on energy and environmental considerations, and only begins the conversation about people. Well Building advances that dialogue significantly, and works as a perfect complement to the foundations of the green building movement. BREEAM and LEED have built up reputations as minimal standards for class ‘A’ office buildings. How do you propose to market Well so that it becomes a badge of such repute? In what way do you regard your certification standard as complementary
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