Following the master plan

If there hadn’t been a master plan covering all of pl. Defilad square, what would you have designed for it?
Thomas Phifer, Thomas Phifer and Partners: I think the master plan speaks to values that I share about respecting the surroundings. I don’t think I would have ever put a really flamboyant building there. Why not? Because I think it would have become confused with the commercial architecture that surrounds it. [ed: the Ściana Wschodnia or Eastern Wall – the architectural concept for the residential and commercial buildings as well as the public space along ul. Marszałkowska] So it won’t be anything flamboyant? Then in that case, what? No, I think I would have done something really similar to what we have actually done anyway. Because the height of the building is level with the height of the lower sections of the Palace as well as the height of the buildings on the other side of ul. Marszałkowska. So I think it would have actually been very similar to what we’ve done. What can you say about the space around your projects? There’s another part of t
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