It’s not the letterhead that counts

Investment & Finance
A few months ago they left the corporations they worked for and went their own way. How have they fared since taking this bold step? What has been the reaction of the market towards them? And was it a good time to take this plunge into the unknown? We talked about all this and many other issues with the founders of the Kucharski & Partners law firm
‘Eurobuild CEE’: After years of working in corporations, you have recently decided to set up your own business. What has been your initial experience since taking this step? Aleksandra Kaczmarek, managing associate, Kucharski & Partners: A corporation can spoil you a bit - apart from the actual work, you don’t have to deal with organisational issues as often as you do on your own. At the beginning of our business we faced many of these. Seemingly trivial matters, the resolution of which wouldn’t have previously taken more than a few hours, can now absorb you for a week or even two. However, because of this we’ve discovered talents in ourselves that we didn’t even suspect we had [laughs]. Everyone who’s started their own business knows perfectly well what I’m talking about and what you have to face: the day is still 24 hours long and needs to be divided not only into the actual work – we have to be available to our clients after
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