Beware of the marten – in the mountains

Could the Bieszczady Mountains turn out to be the latest ‘promised land’ for hotel investors? No, they could not. And don’t even bother trying putting it to the test
The reasons why investors should not be looking to the Bieszczady Mountains can be roughly divided into factors that are natural and civilised. The former include, rather awkwardly, the hordes of wild animals that seem to roam at will across the region. The backyard of the guest house where I spent my last holiday was regularly visited by a small brown bear. The baby bear actually looked rather sweet, especially when it was eating dog food from the bowls. But this didn’t stop the terrified owner of the guesthouse from calling the forester and trying to persuade him to remove the animal before its much more easily agitated mother turned up or it got addicted to Pedigree Chum. These efforts came to nothing, since according to the forester there are no large bears in the area. This had to be the case because all adult members of the species wear telemetric collars. Unless it was a tourist from Slovakia... And since the bear turned out to be rather taciturn, it was difficult to tell
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