Hot gossip

Let he who is without gossip cast the first rumour.
Or so the Good Book nearly said. I have to admit it, sometimes I love a bit of tittle-tattle, especially when it’s about this sector. And I want to take this opportunity to pass on a tasty morsel that I heard on the real estate grapevine. However, it might be a tad disappointing if you are expecting some juicy story about a well-known figure on the market. Anyway, when I recently told a colleague that co-working would be the subject of our holiday issue, he replied that WeWork was reportedly going to set up in Browary Warszawskie. I answered politely that I knew that, since we had already written about it... but I then found out that they have also now chosen another part of the complex, where they will occupy the whole building. So the question is: how is a co-working operator different from an owner or a property manager? Is it still a desirable tenant to have, or is it the competition? But returning to the rumour: is it true or false? I haven’t managed to verify this bef
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