Poland in the spotlight

The investment attractiveness of Poland remains high. However, what are the prospects for the development of the real estate market in the context of the continuing GDP growth, increasing consumption and strong industrial activity? These and other questions were answered by the experts and panellists at the conference
The 4th Invested Interest– Investment Market Conference began with a presentation by Carlos E. Piñerúa, the director of the World Bank for Poland and the Baltic States, in which he laid particular emphasis on demographic issues. “Just like many other countries in the world, Poland is struggling with a decrease in the availability of labour. Its population is aging. The proportion of older people will increase significantly over the next few years, as it will in about 75 pct of countries across the world. So where will the employees that we need come from? Who else will make the money for our pensions?” he was asked. “Robotisation might be a partial solution,” he suggested. The first discussion at the conference was devoted to the position of Poland on the international investment arena. “Our geographical location adds to our investment attractiveness. The size of the market and the strong growth of the economy are also important factor
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