The balls and then the ball…

The gods were smiling on Eurobuild’s 13th Tennis Tournament and 17th Golf Tournament on June 29th
This year (as in 2017) the tennis was played out at the Warszawianka tennis club in Warsaw’s Mokotów Dolny district, while the golf took place as usual at the Rajszew golf club near Legionowo on the city’s northern outskirts. The weather on the days leading up to the twin events had been very unsettled – as it was on the days that followed it. But when the day came the weather was perfect for the competitors in both tournaments to pit themselves against each other: warm and sunny and with the kind of light breeze perfect for mixing up the play and cooling down the players. In the Tennis Tournament, a record number (50 players) took part this time – 45 men and five women. There were also 13 doubles pairs, three of which were mixed. Due to the sheer numbers participating it was the longest tournament ever. The men’s singles finalists each played a total of eleven games with the final itself finishing at 10:30 pm! Last year’s singles winner, Michał K
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