Buying is just the beginning

Globalworth Poland has entered the Polish market with aplomb. After several quarters of activity here, it already owns properties valued at app. EUR 1 bln. And that’s just for starters. We spoke to Małgorzata Turek, the CEO of Globalworth Poland, about new investments and what might be done with the assets that have already been bought
‘Eurobuild CEE’: After the acquisition of Spektrum Tower in Warsaw, the company’s Polish portfolio totalled 375,000 sqm. What are your plans going into the future? Małgorzata Turek, CEO, Globalworth Poland: We are moving our offices to Spektrum, hopefully later this year. Our Polish portfolio is currently worth more than EUR 1 bln, but we don’t intend to rest on our laurels. The company has long term investment plans and aims to be the largest owner of office projects in Poland, perhaps also throughout the CEE region. I can’t reveal exactly what we want to buy, but they will be well known and attractive properties in Warsaw and on regional markets. In which city should we expect the next purchase to take place? We are currently negotiating the purchase of a new building of more than 50,000 sqm in Warsaw. I think that the transaction should be closed this year, or in Q1 2019 at the latest. And we are also preparing another, slightly smaller deal, th
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