The day of the hybrid

Retail & leisure
Outlet centres in Poland have been going through something of a revival. They are now being developed in smaller cities and towns – and, in addition to offering reduced prices, they are also taking on other functions. The advantages of this format have been picked up on by developers – and might also be tempting to investors
Autumn is upon us and outlet centres are now springing up like mushrooms everywhere. Until recently they were only built in conurbations, as this seemed to be their ideal location. However, as the retail market matures, developers have decided to test out the waters elsewhere and see how such centres would fare in smaller towns. All of this is part of a growing trend for fast, efficient and convenient shopping in Poland. And as it turns out, Poles have fallen in love with cheap stores, sales, promotions and all kinds of discounting. However, in order to make sure these centres are attractive to shoppers, these developers have opted to mix up the tried-and-tested outlet centre format up a bit. As a result they have created hybrids that combine a regular range of retail with brands selling products at reduced prices along with catering and entertainment. Although these developers are still referring to such buildings as outlet centres, the question arises as to whether what we are witne
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