The Slovak who stayed

Investment & finance
Can I start with your time at HB Reavis? When your employment there came to an end late last year, why didn’t you move back to Slovakia?
Stanislav Frnka, senior partner, Griffin Real Estate: When it had already been decided that I was leaving HB Reavis for good, I had several phone calls from my friends, mostly from Poland, and I also got a few requests for joining some other groups in Slovakia. But I’ve been on the market for more than ten years in Warsaw. The business here is much bigger than in other countries of the region. And I’ve known Przemek Krych since 2012. We’re quite good friends and we quickly got into a discussion. And that’s why I made my decision to stay and join Griffin. When I contacted you previously, you said you were happy to give an interview but were too busy. So what have you been doing since then? Attending lots of meetings, as there are a lot of platforms that Griffin runs. I can’t approach the office side because my agreement with HB Reavis forbids it. I’m not even allowed to engage in consulting. This prohibition will continue until next year. At the mom
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