The withdrawal method that might even work

At the trade event the girl at the reception smiled and asked the woman for her name. The woman instinctively told her and then watched as the receptionist ran her pen down the guest list, her face growing longer by the second. Damn, the woman thought, probably she hadn’t sent her RSVP to the invitation. And she usually didn’t, out of… laziness? habit? having too much on her mind? So instead she had to resort to trickery. “I’m from Eurobuild.” “Aah,” said the receptionist, dropping the list and beaming an even bigger smile at her, “welcome!”
The number of people I’ve made friends with in this job has been huge. It really isn’t like that in other sectors, such as business, diplomacy or more stock market focused media. In real estate it’s different – like you’re part of a large family, and quite a harmonious one. I came in to work every day as if it was my own home, and to company events as though they were meetings with groups of buddies. The joy of seeing familiar faces at evening events, when people are so busy during the day that they don’t even have time to chat, made these business meetings after work a reward rather than a punishment – in contrast to how they are often regarded in other professions. And no wonder, these events are pretty cool. After ten years I’ve finally decided to leave the media world, and for seven of those I was ensconced in the best editorial office there is. It was supposed to be just a brief adventure for someone educated in a completely differe
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