Warehousing for the world

John Palmer, the head of industrial investment at Savills, explains the reasons behind the current boom in warehousing and why it still looks set to continue.
Alex Hayes, Eurobuild CEE: Is Poland now becoming a warehouse hub for many of the surrounding regions? John Palmer, head of industrial investment, Savills: That’s exactly correct. We’ve been seeing this develop over the last five years. Within the short to medium term Poland will be recognised as a leading warehousing, production, light assembly and e-commerce centre in Europe and primary supplier of space for Germany. Poland will become increasingly recognised on the world stage as there will be an influx of more and more Asian capital and goods coming in from the east. But why is this happening to Poland specifically? Because Poland is one of the few countries left in developed Europe that can offer land and offer relatively quick build times. There is a shortage of land now in Western Europe for very big developments, which makes it very difficult even to find sites. Land shortage and high pricing makes it economically challenging for developers and for the tenants to
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