Rafał Ostrowski, ‘Eurobuild CEE’: What is Prologis hoping to achieve from investing in innovation?
Robbert Heekelaar, vice-president, architecture and emerging technologies, Prologis: What we are doing is providing our customers with solutions to existing pain points. If there are ways in which we can improve warehouse functionality in some shape or form, we will do this. This is completely customer-oriented. If our customers have a particular challenge, or if we see that, for instance there are high costs for energy or labour, then we can run experiments to see if, as a landlord, we can provide a more efficient solution. Our approach to innovation is geared towards our customers.
How can costs be reduced through innovation?
One of the highest supply chain expenses that our customers face is on transportation. This is an interesting subject for us – what can we do as a landlord to help lower these costs? We could explore for example, whether we can reduce docking