From the lower leagues to the top tier

It started out ten years ago as a small local company. Today it is the third largest warehouse developer in Poland in terms of space under construction, and all its buildings are fully leased before completion. So we spoke to Tomasz Lubowiecki, the CEO of 7R, to find out how such a feat was achieved and if it can be sustained.
Tomasz Cudowski, Eurobuild CEE: More than a year ago, you announced ambitious plans for the construction of 7R City Flex Last Mile Logistics, a project typical of your focus on small facilities within the boundaries of cities. How is your latest baby developing? Tomasz Lubowiecki, CEO, 7R: I can say that the parents are very happy with the development of their offspring. The first few projects have already been completed and leased, in Szczecin and the TriCity. Others, such as 7R City Flex Łódź I, are close to completion. We are particularly proud of our Łódź project due to its location and exposure – visitors entering the city are greeted by our logo at the motorway interchange. We have started construction on a project in Warsaw, while others in Wrocław, Kraków, Katowice and Bydgoszcz are at various stages of the investment process. Thus our two-year plan, which entails the construction of urban warehouses in key cities in Poland, is being carried out according to plan
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