The Frisco kid looks to the future

The e-grocery business is still not very easy in Poland. The largest online store in Warsaw – – makes losses. However, the company is investing in its supply chain and in innovative systems in the hope of increasing its scale and making possible future profits. has been generating losses of between PLN 12 mln and PLN 13 mln and this has held true for the last three years. “We are still at a stage where we are investing heavily. With our business model we expect it to take us a year or more till we start making a profit. Before this time comes, we should have certain individual profitable months,” claims Grzegorz Bielecki, a board member of Service from the inside The company, which is owned by MCI Management and Eurocash, opened a new 11,000 sqm distribution centre at Panattoni City Logistics Warsaw I in Klaudyn near Warsaw last May. At its heart is a huge automated warehouse (which they call a ‘shuttle’), which is able to pick out around 190,000 items a day to assemble the company’s orders. This comes to around 132 items a minute. Without human hands, the machinery picks out products from 36,000 separate compartments. “This means we can handle more orders at a lower cost,” poin
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