The question for us, however, is: how long will the sector be able to keep holding its breath? We are also slowly heading towards a record of our own – the longest time in living memory that the market hasn’t gone belly-up! But nothing can last forever, and so someday there will have to be another crash/slowdown/correction (or whatever we want to call it, for the third autumn in a row). This topic also arises in the conversations we publish in this issue with eminent advisors, such as in the interview with Sean Doyle, ‘Bettering the West’ – although the head of CBRE’s investment department, as it turns out, is rather optimistic. As is Daniel Puchalski, who tells us about his new role at Knight Frank (‘This Sporting Business Life’) as well as Krzysztof Witkowski, the head of Virako, who reveals in ‘Restorative Powers’ not only some of his company’s plans, but also reminisces about his career. A hint of nostalgia can be se