Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski, ‘Eurobuild CEE’: How did it all start for you?
Krzysztof Witkowski, CEO, Virako: My passion originally sprang from the very basic renovation work I was involved in during my construction studies. I combined my studies with working in my mother’s company. We bought small factories built in the 1970s and converted them into small offices and warehouses.
Why was a first-year student interested in old factories?
Chance always plays a part in anyone’s life. Many old industrial buildings in Łódź were derelict at that time, and as chance would have it my mother decided to invest in real estate and bought some former production plants. I became totally involved in this – from the construction work to securing the tenants. And this is how my adventures in revitalisation began. It continues to this day, only on an entirely different scale and in a different market and business environment.
So what was your first major project?
My fi