MAPIC weathers the storm

The cold and rainy weather, both in Cannes and in the retail sector, did not conspire to spoil the MAPIC fair this year
What is it that summed up the mood at MAPIC this year? “Everyone has a slightly looser agenda” – I was told by a Polish developer when I asked what she thought about this year’s event. Why looser? “Retail’s not in vogue today,” she replied diplomatically. Whether in vogue or not, it has to be said that MAPIC has been cannily holding its own in a period of plummeting investor sentiment. “In an environment where the sector is going through a transformation, MAPIC is proud to announce that year we have attracted more than 8,200 participants from over 80 countries to take part in the most important event in the retail property calendar. Among these there were more than 2,000 retailers, 2,200 developers and 1,200 investors – all reflecting upon, discussing and debating issues related to the ever-evolving retail market,” says Séverine Menut, a senior sales director at MAPIC. Although the event brought together around 300 fewe
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