That’s why in this issue the information that we are going to give you will be almost exclusively optimistic. And even if all the news isn’t 100 pct good, we are still determined to only look at the bright side… but nonetheless, there’s likely to be a dark side lurking around some corner.
For example, this month we examine the PRS market, which seems to be one of the more resilient when it comes to the impact of the pandemic. If you’re regularly involved in urban planning issues, this issue is also certain to be a very satisfying read – as we take a look at placemaking projects, which now actually have more wind in their sails due to Covid. These are also examples of the ever increasing trend for bolder investment in public space, designed to be used not only by the project’s tenants or the residents of a particular estate, but also the entire district. In other words, it’s time to pull down those fences!
We already know that the 11th