Fuelled by hope

As you may remember, we closed our March issue on February 22nd. Threatening rumbles could already be heard from beyond Poland’s border with Ukraine, but the world was still clinging on to the hope that the prospect of war would fizzle out without any further escalation of the situation
Some echoes of these rumbles could be felt in the articles and interviews we published a month ago, even though they were couched in such carefully guarded statements as: “but if the situation were to become more complicated…” And then two days later, on the morning of February 24th, the world that most of us knew came to an end – a world that had been somewhat stressful at times, maybe even dangerous, but without exploding shells and burning homes, without tanks with blown-off turrets, without refugees streaming across military supply lines and without convoys of trucks carrying humanitarian aid. And it was also a world without the immense, unprecedented and spontaneous nationwide response by Poles and other countries in the region to help their neighbours fleeing from the senseless destruction. As I write at the end of March, we have recovered from the first shock, each of us dealing with this traumatic experience in their own way and probably adding their ow
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