A world populated by experts

Government educational programmes on the TV are always keen to inform us that Poles are jealous of the whole world, but at the same time, each nation without exception holds a deep admiration for us. We are the subject of everyone’s attention and the topic of in-depth analyses by all those countries where nothing goes quite to plan
And this notion, that we are among the elite in this regard, is not without foundation, since up to now we’ve generally had low-level inflation, dirt-cheap fuel and a secular state with altruistic people in key positions. But what other nations are most envious of Poles of all is that we are experts at everything. All that has to happen is that some issue arises and by some process of osmosis that only our nation has, we are able to immediately solve it by using other complementary knowledge. What’s that? You want examples of this phenomenon? Well, let’s go through just a few of them. Everyone needs to live somewhere, but we have around 38 mln experts on the residential market. Each of us has, at one time or another, caught a cold, so nuclear medicine holds no secrets from us. It doesn’t matter whether we drive a twenty-year-old Passat or always take the bus to work, we still know all there is to know about urban planning. And, when we wake up in the middle of
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