Many Ukrainian companies, out of fear for the safety of their workers and because they want to keep operating, have decided at least temporarily to move their operations abroad. Many have chosen Poland. The uncertainty over how long the situation is going to last has led many to opt for co-working and serviced offices. According to Jacek Bednorz, the head of leasing and customer care at Business Link, when hostilities broke out it was expected that there would be an increase in interest from companies based in Ukraine for office space in Poland. During the first stage of the conflict, the operator were receiving dozens of such enquiries each week – and they were not the only ones. “The overwhelming majority of flexible office providers that work with saw a rise in the number of enquiries from Ukrainian companies,” reveals Jarosław Pilch, the head of tenant representation at Savills and of Workthere in Poland. “This was especially noticeable in Marc