Waste not want not

Small talk
According to Agnieszka Rychlicka, the deputy CEO of prop-tech waste disposal experts T-Master, the way we as households and businesses have been disposing of our refuse – and the amount we have had to pay to do so – is just a load of old rubbish. She tells us how the Individual Waste Segregation System developed by her company uses hi-tech to bring down both the environmental and financial costs
In your opinion, we are all – or almost all of us – overpaying for our rubbish to be removed. Why is this? Agnieszka Rychlicka, deputy CEO, T-Master: This is a complicated and multi-layered issue. In my opinion, we have to start with the fact that we are producing more and more rubbish, so why should we be paying less? But on the other hand, with the current method of calculating costs it is hard to say who is overpaying and by how much and who’s paying too little. In principle, nobody knows how much rubbish we produce. Up until now there hasn’t been a system in Poland to measure exactly how much rubbish is produced by each individual household or office tenant that would make individual costing possible. If we all were charged for our electricity, water and gas usage equally, would it be fair? Right now, there are many reasons why we pay a lot and not only for our own rubbish. What are these factors? The law allows rubbish disposal charges to be based on
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