Adding values and know-how to local vigour

Eurobuild Awards
It is our honour to present this year’s Outstanding Contribution to Real Estate Award to a very familiar face on the local real estate scene: Nicklas Lindberg, the CEO of Echo Investment. During his time at the helm of the Polish developer, he has overseen the completion of such iconic and city-forming ‘urban destination’ projects as Browary Warszawskie and Fuzja in Łódź. He has also overseen the company’s move into the PRS and flex office segments as well as its 2021 acquisition of Wrocław-based residential developer Archicom. He was also previously employed by Skanska Group for around 15 years, where he eventually rose to the position of Europe president of Commercial Development and was one of the pioneers in introducing sustainability and green certification. We spoke to him about his role in building the Polish property market into what it is today
In 2016, after years of working for Skanska, you became the CEO of Echo Investment. What did you find most satisfying in this new role? What have you changed at Echo? Nicklas Lindberg, Echo Investment: Echo was a great company back then, and is still today. When I came from Skanska, which was a multi-international business, Echo was a purely Polish organisation with all the pluses and minuses that comes with that. I think what I managed to bring to Echo was the experience of running a global business and the ability to implement some of those values. When I joined the company in 2016, it was going through a big transition from its previous strategy and was mainly a commercial developer. Since then we have built a strong residential business with projects for sale and for rent, we have offices and two retail centres, and are well known for our multifunctional destination projects. When I came to Echo from Skanska, I was trying to bring my experience from a big international organisati
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