The top managers in the eyes of tenants

Eurobuild Awards
A property can tick all the boxes when it comes to location, greenery, aesthetics, amenities, parking spaces and so on, but all that will count for little if it isn’t managed well on a day-to-day basis. Because tenants need to feel that owners actually care about them and have their happiness as a top priority. And that’s why the best property managers this year as chosen by tenants reflect those buildings that did best in their sector categories. The best warehouse manager award goes to Jędrzej Dużyński of Ideal Idea, whose Wrocław park also came out on top in the best warehouse category. Kamila Kiersikowska, the manager of EPP’s Galeria Młociny, which won best shopping centre, walks away with the best shopping centre manager award. And for her sterling work at Globalworth’s Podium Park (building B came third in the best office category), Dorota Wojnarowska wins the best office manager award.
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Office Manager of the Year, Poland

Danuta Wojnarowska, Podium Park, Globalworth

Shopping Centre Manager of the Year, Poland

Kamila Kiersikowska, Galeria Młociny, EPP

Warehouse Manager of the Year, Poland

Jędrzej Dużyński, Ideal Idea


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