The glorious twelfth!

In this editorial piece, I often end up writing about some past event, as I dust off some ancient memory, before unleashing my stream of consciousness. However, once a year, for the issue that actually comes out during the Eurobuild Awards Gala, a rather more ambitious task is set before me. I have to predict what’s going to happen in the dim and murky future
As I write these words, the online jury is still out; and when you read this text, which the first of you will do on the evening of September 27th after the official part of the Gala, you will already know everything: who’s going home with the most trophies and who’s drowning their sorrows at the hotel bar, how much money has been raised for charity, whether the wine we’ve selected this year is fit for the refined palates of most of those present, whether the chef at the DoubleTree by Hilton knows how to prepare good vegetarian options, who the last person was left boogieing the night away on the dance floor, and, of course, what the hosts of the competition were wearing... However, I shall take the opportunity at this early stage to invite you to read our report from the Gala, together with bright and colourful photographs and all the comments of the winners, when it eventually comes out in our November magazine. But in the current issue of Eurobuild I would urge yo
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