Thriving amid the strife

Since the beginning of the pandemic, it seems that every day we have woken up in a slightly different world. The term ‘new normal’ is being used to describe changes in almost every sector of the current market and it’s even quite hard to even remember what the ‘old normal’ was.

Working from home is not seen as a fad anymore or an option only available to certain professionals. We know how serious the environmental issues we face are, and, if we neglect them, many fewer people will be patting us on the back. The outbreak of the war in Ukraine, despite the horrors it has unleashed, has allowed us to discover the strength of community and shared responsibility. There are plenty of challenges now facing us, but this reinforces the feeling that we are all aiming towards the same goal. The companies that we have invited to contribute to this supplement would probably all agree. Although the Polish market is not in a perfect situation, it has withstood a barrage of slings and arrows through its creativity and optimism. We are facing a future that may not be what we had previously envisioned, but we still have good reason to expect that we’re going to do quite well in spite of everything. And, if you don’t share this feeling already, I hope you will come to do so as you read on.


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