21st century blues

We are now more than 20 years into the present century. This fact only fully dawned on me recently and it hit me hard. There are people born since 2000 who already have their own children, and there are some buildings constructed since then that already need extensive modernisation…
I spent the all of Polish Independence Day at home. I celebrated it in typical Polish fashion by doing the washing and cooking the dinner. Of course, there was also a film on Netflix, or more specifically, a cartoon about someone called Arthur who saves Christmas – this was demanded by my own little young film buff. I also spent most of the day listening to my new favourite radio station, which only recently replaced my previous go-to channel. This new station spends all day from early morning to late at night playing the top Polish hits of the 21st century, which I listened to while scrubbing the shower clean and watering the houseplants. And then it struck me that some of these tracks were already 20 years old. Can you actually believe that the latest hits we sang at student karaoke night have now become golden oldies? When I started my studies in Lublin, the finishing touches were just being made to the city’s first modern shopping centre. Lublin Plaza included an exten
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