It’s all about the partnerships

Small talk
Founding partners of Frankfurt-based real estate investment manager Kadens Capital, Derek Jacobson and Matthias Cordier, tell us about how they came to set up the new company and their property market journey so far
Could you tell our readers something about Kadens Capital? Matthias Cordier, founding partner of Kadens Capital: Derek and I set up Kadens at the end of last year. We are a global real estate investment manager, even though we have mainly been active in Germany so far. We both came from Madison International, where I was for ten years and Derek for 17. At Kadens we’ve already invested around EUR 200 mln of equity capital in various markets. And this is a unique time to invest, given the stressed situation and dislocation in the market. What is your strategy now? Has it changed recently due to the economic conditions and geo-political situation? Derek Jacobson, founding partner of Kadens Capital: Our strategy hasn’t changed. We have always been looking to find interesting demographics and quality assets, and to invest with as well as in partners and management platforms. We provide the lion’s share of the funds for the investment and partner with teams with local
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