APP and its apps

Small talk
APP-Projekt is aiming to stay at the forefront of the technological changes that are transforming the Polish project management scene. Jacek Korwin-Małaszyński, a board member of the company, tells us how
It’s been an interesting year. What have been the most important moments for APP-Projekt? Jacek Korwin-Małaszyński, member of the board, APP Projekt: It was an important time in terms of our growth, rather than just in terms of our projects. In 2022, our company implemented the first stage of our own innovative app for comprehensive construction investment management. Our ambition was to create a place to exchange information, where we could in one place bring together documents, take decisions and monitor the entire processes in real time, making all of this available to everyone involved in a given project – including the contractors, designers, investors and inspectors. Our Fault Management module already operates on two platforms: on computer web browsers and as an iOS or Android tablet app. Right now we are developing additional modules. Which of APP’s current projects has been the most demanding? We are involved in dozens of different projects – p
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