Another milestone

A draft amendment to the Law on Planning and Development, necessary to unlock funds from the National Reconstruction Plan, has been approved by the Polish government. The initial versions of the draft contained revolutionary proposals, which have been widely commented on (often critically) in the sector. But what is in the final version of the draft?
The amendment provides for the introduction of a new planning instrument, which is to be the general plan for the municipality, replacing the study of conditions and regulating the planning rules for the municipality’s entire area with regard to the most important aspects. The general plan is to specify the functions of individual sites and such aspects as the intensity, height and maximum area of development as well as the requisite biologically active area. What differentiates the new general plan from the existing study is its binding character for decisions and other planning acts. No longer will it be only local plans (as hitherto) that have to comply with this overarching act – from now on this obligation will apply to zoning decisions as well. Furthermore, the zoning decision will lose its previous significance, as it will only be issued in relation to areas of additional development designated by the municipality in the general plan. This is supposed to allow for b
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