At the end of 2022, more than 64,700 electric vehicles had been registered in Poland. According to figures from The Polish Automotive Industry Association (PZPM) and the Polish Alternative Fuels Association (PSPA), this total represents a growth of 33 pct y-o-y. However, according to Grigoriy Grigoriev, the general director of Power Dot for Poland and the CEE region, compared to the total of around 20 mln registered vehicles, this doesn’t appear to be a very large proportion, but: “The growth in the number of electric vehicles has now taken off and legislation is supporting the increase in electromobility. We already know that from 2035 the registration of petrol-driven vehicles in the EU is to be outlawed, but in the shorter term, this trend is being supported by, for instance, the concept of ESG,” he explains, and goes on to state that by 2025 every second vehicle operated by the Polish public sector is to be zero-emission, while for local government this figure is