Bydgoszcz comes to town

We now have another business event behind us, this time organised by the Bydgoszcz Regional Development Agency, the Bydgoszcz Industry and Technology Park as well as Eurobuild Conferences. The event partner was Accolade. Those who took part in the breakfast debated the questions of what, where and with whom they should play – and for what stakes
“What’s the game? Investment! And where? Of course – Bydgoszcz,! With whom? With us! For what stakes? As high as possible!” These were the questions asked and answered by Łukasz Krupa, the deputy mayor of Bydgoszcz, in his introduction to the event. And thus, on November 7th, began the business breakfast in the Belvedere Restaurant in Warsaw’s Łazienki Park. Seated at a beautifully laid table with their coffee, the guests listened to a series of engaging presentations and discussions. Following the deputy mayor’s introduction, Eurobuild managing editor Anna Korólczyk-Lewandowska called on Edyta Wiwatowska, the Bydgoszcz Regional Development Agency’s head, to speak next. Those attending were treated to a short promotional film for Bydgoszcz informing them about what it is that sets the city and its region apart. They also learnt about how the Bydgoszcz Regional Development Agency (BARR) helps businesses to grow. After this, it was time for a
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