And so it is Christmas

December is now upon us! Quite honestly, I don’t know how this year has flown by – particularly the last few months. The most important event on the real estate calendar is behind us – the Eurobuild Awards Gala. And what a night that was, dear reader!
Those who were there know all about this, while those who weren’t, should regret it and start planning their attendance of the next, 15th Gala. Moreover, as I write these words, we are on the eve of another very special anniversary – our 30th annual commercial real estate conference. 30 years that have passed by in the blink of an eye. When our beloved ‘Eurobuild’ was taking its first steps on the market, I was also taking them... into my first class at school. So I can’t pretend that I knew about our company from the very beginning, but I have known it for a good 15 years, and from the inside for almost six. Being a part of this place has a truly special feeling. I’m sure that more than one of you, dear readers, knows what I am writing about. When I started working at Eurobuild, Ewa Andrzejewska, by then the long-time editor-in-chief, added me to a social media conversation group called ‘The Best Editorial Team Under the Sun’. I didn&rsq
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