Sitting on a silver mine

The population of Poland (as well as the rest of Europe) is getting older. According to forecasts provided by Statistics Poland, the population is to shrink from 37.635 mln to 30.9 mln by 2060. This represents a huge challenge for everyone, including for the real estate sector, which is slowly beginning to look at senior housing
According to the IPC Research Institute, the EU’s forecasts for its ageing populations mean that we will have to respond to significant demographic changes in decades ahead of us. The average age is set to increase to 48.2, up by 4.5 years. This rise will vary from country to country, but the biggest changes will be seen in Poland, Slovakia and Malta. According to the institute, the percentage of those over 65 in relation to the working age (24–65) is set to grow, from 34.1 pct in 2019 to 56.7 pct in 2050. The number of those of an advanced age (80+) will also rise. Europe’s different regions are to see their populations age at different rates. The areas ageing the fastest include Poland, Spain, the Baltic States and Southern Italy while France and Germany are to see their populations age at a slower rate. Such forecasts project that 11.2 mln people in Poland will be over 65 by 2050. What does this mean for the real estate market? “The ageing of Poland’s p
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