It promises to be a fine year

In spite of the fact that Q1 on the Polish commercial real estate market finished with a total transaction volume lower than in the same period of 2014, the prospects for the entire year are optimistic. Investors are increasingly being tempted by the office buildings offered for sale on regional markets and it looks that their share in this year’s volume could grow considerably. A growth trend is also expected when it comes to portfolio purchases. In Q1 2015 investors bought commercial properties at a total value of EUR 438 mln in Poland. However, taking into consideration negotiations that are currently in progress, a considerable increase in the transaction volume is forecast for the next few quarters of this year. Investors are still interested in individual prime properties with values above EUR 100 mln. Last year such transactions constituted app. 41 pct of the total investment volume on the Polish market. It is estimated that in 2015, due to the limited supply of such proj
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