Luckily, they don’t affect

 After taking a break last year, it is my pleasure to write once again the editorial for the Expo Real issue of Eurobuild Magazine. In 2005, the main topic of the article was the election, and now after 24 months have elapsed, we find ourselves in the same situation. At the end of October, Poles will be choosing their MPs again, after the former Parliament became unworkable, and the government had ceased to function.Luckily, all the political earthquakes – the scandals, warfare between parties, corruption allegations, arrests and so on - don’t seem to be having much of an impact on the Polish economy. It remains in rude health and is still growing, with only the possibility of a downturn in the world economy giving us cause for unease.With a booming economy, new and expanding companies, rising rents on the office market and impressive retail turnovers etc., the real estate market is maturing and becoming less and less risky to invest in. The yield compression in the office
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