After a few nervous weeks in July and August, the end of the holidays brought investors on the WSE some relief – the markets reboundedand September began with increases on all the indexes The WIG20 gained the most, as foreign investors returned to emerging markets. Optimism wasn’t fully renewed however, as the uncertainty regarding the situation on the US domestic market and its influence on the entire US economy continued. In fact, the final weeks showed how investors on the WSE are powerless in the face of fluctuations on the world’s major markets.During the first half of September, the indexes moved up slowly, but turnovers were low, as the financial markets waited for September 18th and the FED sitting. And indeed, the FED announcement did help stock exchanges worldwide. The deeper than anticipated rates cut (by a half point instead of 0.25 pct) gave a boost to the indexes. The WSE saw heavy trading as shares were acquired by foreign investors as well as by domes