Academic boom

University vice chancellors are investing in new buildings all over the place, without any fear of demographic decline, because for the first time they find they are rolling in cashAs the new academic year gets under way, colleges are making sure that students are fully aware of what has been or is being built with EU (and other) funding. The new Adam Mickiewicz University campus in Poznań has been making the loudest noise in the media. The faculties of geography, geology, physics, biology, mathematics and information technology now have new buildings in Morasek at the city’s northern border, where the university also has a new gymnastics hall. Finance minister Zyta Gilowska, who was present during the opening ceremony, made much fuss about the new investment, but not because of its impressive dimensions. She turned it into a pretext to open her party’s election campaign in the Wielkopolska province, but this rather back-fired on her when it came out that she had not voted
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