Ruined buildings in great demand

One of the methods of maximizing profit is to develop historic real estate. Because of permanent value of such buildings, they (ironically) resist the passage of time. Investor interest in them is growingQuality standards do change. Buildings which are considered modern today, in a few years will not meet all the technological standards and will simply go out of date. In the case of historic real estate, its value has little to do with modernity – with the passage of time they can rather gain than fall in value. In many instances, the historic character of real estate goes hand in hand with a perfect location, which is a permanent indicator of the value. Such structures also denote prestige. Therefore, they often find buyers among successful businesses, financial institutions and law firms. As a consequence, old tenement buildings are snapped up which after renovation and restoration work change into luxurious apartment buildings with state of the art infrastructure and a 24-hour
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