Grand designs

Aleksandra Andruchów from the Wrocław University of Technology has won the EUR 5,000 first prize at the Architectural Academic Awards 2007. The second prize of EUR 2,000 was won by students from Ukraine. The competition, organized by Investment Environments (INVI) for the third consecutive time, was set up to give young and talented students a unique opportunity to raise their profiles and make a mark on the architectural sceneInvestment Environments (INVI) – design, architecture and consulting company has now organized this event for the third year running. “We invited students from several universities in central and eastern Europe. The ceremony took place during the fourth CEPIF real estate trade fair on June 5th in Warsaw. On the previous day we organized a vote amongst the participants of the fair for what was in their opinion the best project sent in by students. The entry with the highest number of votes won a public prize”, reveals Anna Mirska-Perry, marketi
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