Four pillars

Shopping space offers a fresh challenge to AIG/Lincoln Polska. This American company is developing around 10 hectares of land in Radom city centre. In the meantime it is entering the tender for the Targ Sienny and Targ Rakowy in Gdańsk. The company also has no intention to pull out of the residential, office and warehousing markets“A momentous time is upon us” – at least that is what Radom’s citizens were thinking in mid-June when the local authorities announced who would be developing Radom’s new city centre. The Poland Business Park company, owned by AIG/Lincoln Polska, turned out to be the winner, their offer bettering that of Hungary’s TriGránit, who has appealed the against result. At the end of the day, Zdzisław Marcinkowski, the mayor of Radom, in July accepted the result, clearing the path for AIG/Lincoln Polska to begin a pioneering retail development in Poland.Indicators and rates are not everythingRadom has a population of around 230,00
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