Casting your net

Anyone who knows that flowery shirts and skin-tight trousers will be best sellers this season does not necessarily know in which town or in which shopping centre they will find the greatest demand and the best customers. Such was the idea behind Sisim, a company established in 1985, whose aim was to advise retailers regarding their expansion plans and strategy. The idea proved to be so successful that now, 20 years on, the company operates in more than a dozen countries, its Polish branch also serving Lithuania, Estonia and the Ukraine. Italian roots, Polish branches For more than four years Sisim's Polish office has rented space, looked for clients to take on franchises, recruited staff and planned the interiors for their customers' retail outlets. The company has Italian roots which is why many of its clients are also its compatriates: Calzedonia, Intimissimi and Sergio Tacchini. Thanks to Sisim the Giacomelli Sport chain entered Poland and opened
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