
Groundbreaking ceremony at Okęcie The groundbreaking ceremony at Okęcie Airport's new terminal construction site was held Friday 28th May. In 36 months time building work on the USD 200 mln project is set to be completed. The consortium responsible is composed of Ferrovial Agroman, Budimex and Estudio Lamela. Concrete signs of growth According to the Association of Cement and Lime Producers more than 1.5 mln tons of cement was sold in April 2004 which equates to an increase in sales of 71 pct. year-on-year. In the first quarter of this year the rate of growth was 50 pct. compared to first three months of 2003. Analysts believe that this is a result of growth in the whole of the construction sector. Construction sector booms The Polish office of statistics (GUS) released construction industry data for April. Most segments of the industry have seen growth. Sales in the construction industry rose by nearly 2
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