Planning with and without plans

Investors who wish to carry out development projects in Poland, in areas not covered by zoning plans, face a number of challenges which restrict the free exercise of ownership rights and effect the value of land. For example owners of un-zoned land which does not adjoin developed land may not develop anything that requires a building permit, since they do not meet the prerequisite of having a developed surrounding neighbourhood (obszar analizowany) on the basis of which the development requirements for the intended project could be defined. In such a situation, the owners can only wait until the local authorities adopt local zoning plans. Local authorities however, in spite of the fact that the plans adopted before 1995 expired at the end of 2003, are not in a hurry to change the situation. Districts and municipalities (gminy) are often too poor to afford to pay for the preparation of zoning plans. Statistical records confirm this situation, showing that only a small perc
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